
My energy bills weren’t in the best place, but like everything they were on the back burner. I was contacted by Liam at IUAdvice in March of last year, how he represented himself and the business is what made me interested in what he was offering. Liam fully explained the tendered process, and fully answered my many questions with confidence and reassurance. We went through IUA’s public sector framework, we found this really helpful and they managed to get some really competitive rates for us. He advised that should we work together he would be my account manager, meaning he would fully look after our energy bills and assist with issues should they arise. IUA took control of our DEC reporting to ensure we are all up to date and fully compliant for our properties' efficiency. Liam was very professional, fully explaining the additional service they also offer. I wasn’t made to feel pressured throughout the whole process, which is a relief especially with the amount of energy competitors out there. Liam made sure all of the information and spreadsheets I needed were all sent over in an efficient and timely manner, nothing was too much for him.

Dharmesh Dabhi


I have found the team at IUAdvice to be polite, professional and knowledgeable, we’re an international organisation who manage everything from our Dutch head office, not only did they offer precise expertise, but in our mother language at that, made everything quick, simple and easy to understand. I have no hesitation in recommending IUAdvice to anyone wanting to bring their energy accounts into check. Not only have they done the above, but our UK subsidiary has reported a remarkable decrease in cold calls from brokers.


I was always aware that our energy broker was applying commissions to our unit rates, but I trusted him when he disclosed that he was only adding fractions of a penny/ kilowatt hour. However, it wasn’t until I spoke with the guys at IUAdvice and sent them my most recent gas & electricity invoices that it came to light that, in my broker’s world, “fractions of a penny” means, in fact, 4p/kilowatt hour – given the fact that my latest energy contract reflected an annual consumption of 327,554 kWh, this means my broker was trying to make £16,000/year from my energy usage alone (they signed me up to a 5 year contract), and, another £15,000/year from my gas usage. To say I was shocked is a massive understatement, I had used my broker for almost 13 years, believed we had a good, open and honest relationship – no wonder he was always “happy to speak with me”. After dealing with IUAdvice, and seeing what they could do for my business’ energy spends, I have absolutely no hesitation in recommending them to anybody who is looking to save money on their energy bills. I was given a dedicated account manager, who stopped the excessive commissions mentioned above, still calls to check everything is going ok with our contract. They have saved my business £1000’s and always offer valuable advice with regards to our energy dealings. Saved us money and continue to add value to my business during every conversation I have with them.



IUAdvice got me the best deal on the market, bar none. Our contracts were coming up for renewal when they called me, and I was pricing around the board. They had procured me rates with any excess commissions removed, they were friendly and full of market insights. Not only did they align all our contracts and get my KVA to the right level, but they also managed to get my rates cheaper than what the previous contact was. Despite the price of oil escalating! After dealing with IUAdvice and seeing what they could do for my business’ energy spends, I have absolutely no hesitation in recommending them to anybody who is looking to save money on their energy bills. I was given a dedicated account manager, who stopped the excessive commissions mentioned above and still calls to check that everything is going ok with the contract.



What can I say about IUAdvice? Friendly, knowledgeable, expertise. They have saved our charity thousands of pounds per year, after the broker we were using had added 5p/kilowatt hour to our electricity rates, meaning more of our funds go to the necessary needy people all over the country, rather than a broker’s bank account. They also identified that, as a charity we were paying too much VAT, and got us a refund backdated for 3 years. Our experience with IUAdvice certainly opened my eyes and raised my eyebrows as to how few scruples some of the more unsavoury characters actually have. To try and take around £25,000/year FROM a charity like ourselves, who need every penny we have to ensure that less fortunate people around the UK receive basic amenities is nothing short of scandalous! Thank you IUAdvice for your good work in helping us ensure that our money gets to the right people. Needless to say, I would wholeheartedly advise anybody speaks with IUAdvice without hesitation.


Charity Organiser

My contracts were up for renewal and I was getting quotes from brokers and suppliers. I spoke with IUAdvice, I got a dedicated senior account manager who walked me through the entire process, showed me what to look out for, then he shown me what the rates with excess commissions should look like for that day. Fantastic experience from start to finish, money saving, and value add were spectacular. How would I rate IUAdvice? 10 out of 10!



I have had dealings with a lot of third parties within my time working as a procurement manager for this chain of pubs. I must admit, I have never been too fond of working alongside them because I hear a lot of stories of what goes on behind the scenes. Nevertheless, looking after a particularly large site list can be a task when there are 10 different suppliers involved.

When IUAdvice got into contact with myself I was up to my eyes in paperwork coming from various brokers. I thought that the best way of going about it was dedicating certain areas of the country to different brokers who had given me the cheapest prices for those over the years, but the reality was that the paper work and phone calls were getting too much to handle. IUAdvice generated their own multisite spreadsheet for ease to present the prices they had manged to procure for all the sites we had. It turns out that my hastiness and gut feeling towards these brokers was 100% sincere as the prices IUAdvice had presented had the excess commissions removed and were saving us on average £50,000 a year!

I had soon realised that these brokers that I had been dealing with were all about squeezing as much money out of my business as they could. They offered no advice. It was only recently, after IUAdvice explained, that I found out procuring in the winter months was not benefiting the business at all! We now have contracts due to end in the summer months and all sites are with 1 supplier. IUAdvice have made my job easy and I hardly had any input in the background work, which makes IUAdvice as a business get a 5-star service review from myself.


Procurement Manager

My energy contracts and bills were all over the place. Spoke with IUAdvice, got everything managed under 1 roof, everything aligned, KVA (whatever that is) under control, saving money every month – exactly what it says on the tin! No brainer!

