Energy Cost Reduction Specialists

Providing customer focused advice

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Everything you need

Cost Reduction Specialist who pride ourselves on customer focused advice

Our mission at Independent Utility Advice is simple, we are not here to blind you with Energy Market terms to confuse you! We are not here to prove that decisions’ that you have made in the past have been the wrong ones. We are here to:

Save you time

Save you effort

Save you money

Additional Services


Business Finance






Ev Charging


Waste Management




Business Insurance


Business Telecoms


Merchant Services

What our clients say


I have found the team at IUAdvice to be polite, professional and knowledgeable, we’re an international organisation who manage everything from our Dutch head office, not only did they offer precise expertise, but in our mother language at that, made everything quick, simple and easy to understand. I have no hesitation in recommending IUAdvice to anyone wanting to bring their energy accounts into check. Not only have they done the above, but our UK subsidiary has reported a remarkable decrease in cold calls from brokers.



I was always aware that our energy broker was applying commissions to our unit rates, but I trusted him when he disclosed that he was only adding fractions of a penny/ kilowatt hour. However, it wasn’t until I spoke with the guys at IUAdvice and sent them my most recent gas & electricity invoices that it came to light that, in my broker’s world, “fractions of a penny” means, in fact, 4p/kilowatt hour – given the fact that my latest energy contract reflected an annual consumption of 327,554 kWh, this means my broker was trying to make £16,000/year from my energy usage alone (they signed me up to a 5 year contract), and, another £15,000/year from my gas usage. To say I was shocked is a massive understatement, I had used my broker for almost 13 years, believed we had a good, open and honest relationship – no wonder he was always “happy to speak with me”. After dealing with IUAdvice, and seeing what they could do for my business’ energy spends, I have absolutely no hesitation in recommending them to anybody who is looking to save money on their energy bills. I was given a dedicated account manager, who stopped the excessive commissions mentioned above, still calls to check everything is going ok with our contract. They have saved my business £1000’s and always offer valuable advice with regards to our energy dealings. Saved us money and continue to add value to my business during every conversation I have with them.


Susan, Logistics

IUAdvice got me the best deal on the market, bar none. Our contracts were coming up for renewal when they called me, and I was pricing around the board. They had procured me rates with any excess commissions removed, they were friendly and full of market insights. Not only did they align all our contracts and get my KVA to the right level, but they also managed to get my rates cheaper than what the previous contact was. Despite the price of oil escalating! After dealing with IUAdvice and seeing what they could do for my business’ energy spends, I have absolutely no hesitation in recommending them to anybody who is looking to save money on their energy bills. I was given a dedicated account manager, who stopped the excessive commissions mentioned above and still calls to check that everything is going ok with the contract.

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